Monday, January 10, 2011

Explosion Project

There is a lot I will remember about this project. Because I am asked to remember three this is a hard question, they would be: popping the popcorn, creating the video for it and updating the wiki page. These were the most fun things that I remember. Even though these were not the only things I remember.

Popping the popcorn was first, and that was interesting popping it on the stove top for the first time. This was the video footage and luck enough it was right the first time. After that I had to take what seemed like an endless stream of pictures. Then I uploaded them.

After that I created the video with this footage. I had help from Nathan and Alyssa on this part. I borrowed Alyssa's computer for iMovie, and Nathan helped me edit it. Next, was a challenge, I had to upload the video, so that took a while to download. Finally, I got it on the wiki.

My biggest memory was updating the wiki countless times. First, I had to get my information on there. Then I added my video. I updating my information next making sure it was correct. I then added another video not made by me to make it a tad more interesting.

Even though the presentation wasn't that great, I thought had some good information. The popcorn tasted great also and the video was good. Even though updating the wiki was repetitive I definitely enjoyed working on it.


  1. I thought your topic was really neat. It really changed the way people think about popcorn for sure. Your writing is good, but I bet if you read it aloud to yourself or someone else, you might find a few small errors. Try this and see what happens.

  2. Davis,

    I am glad that you enjoyed the process of popping the popcorn on the stove.

    I also am really impressed with your ability to reflect on things like your presentation. Although you did not think it was very good you are able to identify that there was good information in it. My question to you is what do you plan to do in the future to make your next presentation more impressive?

    Great post!
